devoted to the study of the people and philately of the Pitcairn Islands

Pitcairn Island Main

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Pitcairn Island Links


Pitcairn Islands

Search Pitcairn Islands Stamps

Pitcairn Islands Study Center

Pitcairn & Norfolk Islands Society (PNI)

Official Pitcairn Immigration and Repopulation Web Site

The Pitcairn Miscellany Web Site

Crafts from Pitcairn Islanders

A number of Pitcairn items are available directly from Pitcairners on the island. The following is a list of the persons or familes on Pitcairn that offer items for sale by mail. PISG receives no funds from any orders placed and takes no responsibility of any kind for purchases that may be made. Please note that orders can take 3 to 6 months to deliver.

Mike and Brenda Lupton-Christian's Website:

Jay and Carol Warren:

Meralda Warren:

Mike Warren:

Kerry Young and Heather Menzies: