PISG Officers Past and Present at StampShow 2007 in Portland, Oregon.

Steve has been a member of PISG for about 15 years. He is also a member of the APS as well as a number of other groups, mainly Polar and Pacific. As a retired (semi) teacher he now has some time to devote to my favorite island-Pitcairn.
While teaching Steve found that he needed a creative outlet and so began writing for the general philatelic press. Luckily, the editors (and some collectors) seemed to like what he wrote, so he continued.
Right now Steve lives with his long-suffering wife of 30-odd years, two dogs and either two or three cats depending on who's dropping in in the smog-choking, tule fog infested, heat cauldron of the Central Valley of California.
Dr. Everett L. Parker has served in many capacities within PISG over the past 35 years. He has been president, vice president, secretary and publications editor. Dr. Parker earned a bachelor’s degree in journalism and worked in daily newspapers, then entered law enforcement and earned both bachelor’s and master’s degrees in criminal justice administration. In the mid-1980s, he and wife Janet returned to his native Maine where they operated a newspaper and printing and publishing business for a quarter century.
During Dr. Parker’s tenure as a newspaper owner, he returned to the academic world for post-graduate degrees in museumology. He was executive director of a multi-campus museum in Maine for several years. During these years he also authored 18 books, primarily on history. He also academically qualified in archaeology, specifically the Groswater Paleo-Eskimo, Dorset Paleo-Eskimo and Maritime Arachic cultures of Newfoundland and Labrador. He was also called to parish ministry. Returning to the academic world “for the umpteenth time,” he completed seminary and earned another doctorate (“with distinction”) in hermeneutics, apologetics and epistomology. He is ordained through the United Church of Christ (Congregational) and cross-credentialed in the United Methodist Church, and has served in active ministry for 32 years.
In his spare time, Rev. Dr. Parker edits several philatelic journals: “The Pitcairn Log,” “The British Caribbean Philatelic Journal,” “Bermuda Post,” and the “Florida Postal History Journal.” He has also edited the “South Atlantic Chronicle,” journal of the St. Helena, Ascension & Tristan da Cunha Philatelic Society, “The Maine Philatelist,” and “The Philatelic Journalist.” He has edited the "Pitcairn Log" for over three decades, with only a brief interruption. He also edits a quarterly Maine history journal and writes philatelic literature review columns for several U.S. and Canadian philatelic magazines. He holds numerous philatelic society awards, including “The Bounty Award” from the Pitcairn Islands Study Group (PISG).
Dr. Parker and his his wife, Janet, also own “Parker Tours,” an escorted bus tour business operating throughout the United States and Canada.

Dr. Vernon Kisling is the past Chair of the Marston Science Library at the University of Florida (and University Librarian for environmental sciences and history of science). Previously a Curator at the Atlanta and Miami zoos and President/Owner of Wildlife Publications, Inc., Vernon has done wildlife ecology research in Papua New Guinea and Chile. Editor (and author of two chapters) of Zoo and Aquarium History: Ancient Animal Collections to Zoological Gardens, as well as numerous professional and philatelic journal articles, he has an MS in wildlife biology, MLS in library studies, and DPA in public administration.
In addition to Pitcairn Islands (began corresponding to Roy Clark in the 1960s), Vernon collects first and earliest wildlife issues (worldwide 1840-1969), as well as zoo and aquarium issues. Vernon is currently the editor of the The Pitcairn Islands Specialized Stamp Catalog, the Index to the Florida Postal History Society Journal, and the Index to the Pitcairn Log.
Howard was appointed to take over Barbara Kuchau's seat when she became Treasurer.
Gerard is the newest member of the PISG Board of Directors.